Beginning April 1, 2012, Sandi and I will be embarking on a 12 week season of personal and professional renewal involving a sabbatical study leave, which is offered to our Converge MidAtlantic Executive leaders every 7 years. We are very grateful for this opportunity! Gary Schroeder and Overseer Board member Bob McClain will be assuming my duties during this period of time. I know that they, and our excellent office staff will provide quality leadership and service to our churches and District ministries during this period of time.
Our sabbatical plan will involve special focus on three areas of personal, spiritual, and professional development. One sphere will involve the renewing of our inner life. This will involve reading, reflection, solitude, journeling and time with a spiritual director.
A second sphere will focus on the renewal of our marriage and family relationships. We have a special family retreat planned. Sandi and I will be attending a special marriage and spiritual enrichment experience at The Cove (the Billy Graham retreat center in
A third sphere of focus will involve research, study, and one professional conference related to the changing role of denominational entities like Converge MidAtlantic. I hope to do some writing on the new and changing role of middle judicatories, and the profile of a middle judicatory leader for organizations such as Converge MidAtlantic.
One additional special feature of this sabbatical will be the opportunity to explore some of my own personal and family story through a 12 day journey to
We value your prayers for us during this special time of renewal and growth. Pray that God will indeed rekindle a new passion for Himself, and for the great calling He has on our lives as we seek to serve Him even more effectively here in this region and in this movement we call Converge MidAtlantic. We will return to our regular duties in late June, just in time to be involved at the Biennial Meetings for Converge Worldwide at First Baptist Church of Glenarden.
With anticipation,
Dan Peterson, Executive Minister
Converge MidAtlantic