Friday, May 25, 2012

Our Sabbatical Journey Takes Us to the Land of Sweden

Earlier this week, Sandi and I returned from what will probably be the biggest highlight of our 12 week sabbatical.  It was our 12 day trip to Sweden, the country where all four of my grandparents were born; the place of my heritage. The trip had highs and lows; times of incredible blessing and insight into our family story, and times of challenge and struggle as we traveled some long days, and I tried to pack too much into one rather short trip!

We stayed with one living relative family for 3 nights, as they showed us around the area where my mother's father and his siblings and parents were born and grew up (the Sundsvall, Sweden area). One wonderful highlight during these days, was talking with my mother by phone on mother's day, and listening to her carry on a conversation with our Swedish hosts in Swedish! It brought tears to our eyes. We traveled to the area where my dad's father and mother were born and grew up (Kumla and Kristinehamn, Sweden). In these areas, we visited churches, homes, and schools where my grandparents learned of Jesus, and studied. We learned about our family story by tracking down burial sites of my ancestors (really interesting!!). We even spoke with one farmer who had lived in the area where my great grandmother lived.

We wrapped up the trip with 4 nights in Stockholm, Sweden's capital city.  We walked and walked and walked.  We visited numerous museums and sites of interest.  We ate dinner in local cafes. We tried to get to know some of the hotel and restaurant workers.  All in all, we had a fabulous time, in what to us is a world class city.  Stockholm has so much to see and experience. It's a city essentially built on a series of islands.  It has incredible history, and it is a thriving, and seemingly prosperous city.

As Sandi and I reflected on this amazing experience, there are at least 3 major takeaways that made a lasting impression on us.  For me, these are really some life changing things.

The first takeaway is the incredible sense of appreciation for my spiritual heritage.  All 4 of my grandparents grew up in a country and a time when the state church in Sweden was the dominant strand of religious activity.  It was, for the most part, a formal, perhaps orthodox, yet with no vitality, life, or spiritual passion. Children and their parents would go through the rituals of religion, most likely without knowing Jesus Christ in a personal and vital way, much less in a way that impacted every day living.  In this backdrop, my dad's father grew up in a home of a man (my great grandfather), who came to a personal relationship with Christ in a home Bible study. This home Bible study was a part of the early pietistic movement throughout Sweden. It was the forerunner of our own Converge (Baptist General Conference movement). My mother's dad (my grandfather) started attending a small evangelical church in their village.  It was a church where the Bible was prominent, and where the need for a personal relationship with Christ was taught. This heritage, which made a huge impact on my father and on my mother is hard for me to fathom.  What an incredible privilege and blessing!  What a profound heritage!

The second takeaway is the amazing sense of appreciation for the hardships and struggles that my grandparents and their parents endured. My mother's father was orphaned at a young age, and struggled for food and even a place to live.  My father's grandfather wandered around central Sweden as a young boy, just trying to find food and some kind of work to support himself.  My mother's mother grew up in a village on an island in Sweden where her father was a sailor. In the prime of his life, with a large and growing family, he ventured out on a sailing trip one day, never to return, perishing at sea. In the midst of these hardships and incredible challenges, however, all 4 of my grandparents found a way to eventually emmigrate to the U.S., at age 16, age 18, age 18, and age 25.  What an amazing story of God's protection, God's provision, and His sovereignty in the midst of adversity.

The third major takeaway is the incredible need for spiritual renewal and revival in Sweden today. In talking to people, in observing the lifestyle of so many, and from all we have heard and read, Sweden is again in need of a movement of God's Spirit that is real and powerful.  Converge is presently partnering with a movement leader from Stockholm who is seeking to plant at least 20 churches in the coming years.  Both Sandi and I would like to learn more about this opportunity, and explore ways that our network of churches may be able to get involved as well. We are committed to making this a matter of prayer.

We are very grateful to my brothers and sisters, to other family members, and to a number of our Converge leaders who encouraged us to take this journey.Each of our personal stories are unique. I see God's hand all over my personal and family story. It's really amazing!

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